Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One of the most amazing high schools

I am a junior at TMCC High School. The best decision I ever made was coming here. It is an awesome opportunity to get free college credits, yes, you heard me, FREE! I already have 12 credits, with 16 more on the way. I will be a year away from obtaining an associate's degree when I graduate high school. I have the option of getting an AA degree when I graduate high school, but this requires taking classes over summer, and I definitely do not want to do that. I need a break from school sometime.
What I like most about coming to TMCC HS is that it is not a regular high school and, therefore, doesn't have the crazy, ruthless drama of sports and cliques and such. I am able to avoid the annoying pep rallies which force you to have spirit in your school even if you abhor it. Thank goodness. Everyone is much more mature here, after all most of them are college students. This has made high school tolerable, and even pretty enjoyable, for me.
Another plus is the people here. They are completely and utterly amazing. Even the teachers. I've met some of the best people (and some of the worst but let's not focus on that...) here, and I am very grateful to know them.

TMCC High School has made Reno a little bit bearable. I still can't stand the "landscape," if you can even call it that. I've heard it's supposed to grow on you but it certaintly hasn't grown on me, and isn't going to anytime soon, I think. The only highlight of this wretched city, and state, is TMCC HS and all the wonderful people there.

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