Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream Car

2011 Chevy Camaro Convertible

I really want one of these cars. It would be awesome in purple. I've always wanted a convertible, ever since I was little. When the new chevy camaro came out, I was instantly in love with it. Now that it is a convertible, there are no words to describe my excitement about this car.
I used to not be interested in cars at all. I thought it was weird that people were so crazy about different makes and models of cars. But now I am one of those people. I don't quite know what changed my opinion in this subject, but it was probably because a lot of people around me and my family mambers are really interested in cars (the environment you're in does have an effect on you!) I decided to investigate the subject of cars more and now I am fascinated by them. I like newer caras a lot better than older cars. They're more sleek and shiny!

I remember one time when I saw one of the coolest cars ever. I was a black Dodge Charger with purple stripes and the word "Charger" on its side. I loved it! I made my mom stop and walked over to take a closer look at it. I also got some pictures! It completely made my day. Chargers and camaros are my favorite type of car.
I usually prefer Chevy over Ford. Seeing as this is a huge debate, I've decided I should probably make my own opinion on it. But the problem is, I have a ford van which is aweome! It doesn't look very cool, but has gotten my family through a lot of tight spot, so I am in debt to it.
Anyway, that's my rave about cars!

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